Children matter at Lebanon FUMC!
Our vision is to provide space for children to grow in their faith and friendships through worship, play, and community. We will always continue to seek new, innovative ways to help children grow healthily, stay safe, and know God's love for them and for the world. Opportunities include:
- Sunday School from 9:45-10:40 AM
Families drop children off at their classroom doors and MUST sign them in. - Nursery care during both worship services, as well as during Sunday school
Wednesdays (August—May)
- Kids Connection for PreK4-5th Grade from 5:30-7PM
Activities include recreation, crafts, music/children's choir, and more - Nursery care for Infants-PreK3 from 5:30-7PM
- Summer Camps for rising 1st—5th Graders
- VBS for PreK4—5th Graders
Parents' Day Out (1- 4 years)
Monday & Wednesday, 8:30AM — 2:00PM
We seek to provide a loving and safe environment where we encourage getting along with others, learning, and creativity.
PDO Handbook 2024-2025
Safe Spaces
Lebanon FUMC takes very seriously our responsibility to keep our members, visitors, friends, and community as safe as it is in our control to do so.
We believe it is our responsibility to provide a safe Christ-centered environment for everyone on site and in our charge, with particular attention paid to protecting our children and other vulnerable populations. Our children are signed in and out of their Sunday School classrooms. Our volunteers are trained and screened before they begin working with our children. During our worship services and other events, we ask that children under the age of 12 not leave the sanctuary or event space unattended.